
Which side are you on...

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SOTV Street Team>>

If you’re excited about SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE and want to tell the world, then
I love you. I love you so much that I want to invite you to join my inner circle, my
favorite peeps, my pit crew...my Street Team.

You don’t have to stand on an actual street, hold signs and shout at passersby
about the book (though you’re welcome to.)

Here are some other options:
  • Grab a banner below and post it on your blog, website, myspace, etc.
  • Tell 10 people OFFLINE about SOTV who have never heard of Meagan or her
    books before.
  • Tell 10 people ONLINE about SOTV who have never heard of Meagan
  • Share the SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE trailer with everyone you know. Host it
    on your social networking site, post it on blogs, forums, etc.
  • WRITE me asking for bookmarks so you can hand some out!
  • Ask me to do an interview, character interview, blog day, etc at your site!
  • Tell one fellow reader about Meagan and SOTV on every trip to the
    bookstore and library.
  • Add my Browse the Book widget to your blog, MySpace, Facebook,
    website, etc.
  • Request a copy of SOTV from Netgalley & review it! (Honest reviews, please)
  • Recruit subscribers to my newsletter, A Little Bit of Magic.
  • Spread the word and place links to content, trailers etc in other paranormal
    romance reader message boards, comments sections of articles about
    similar authors, as well as the comments sections of friends and social
    networking sites.
  • Send a (non-spammy) e-mail to friends and family members you think
    would enjoy SOTV
  • Tell everyone you know about the book. Link them to purchase "SOTV" on
    Amazon, Borders, etc.
  • Tweet about the book, the characters, include a buy link.  Do the same on
    your other social networking sites.  Don't forget to Tweet Meagan
  • Write a review (again, an honest one) and share it at Amazon, FB,
    MySpace Blog, Twitter, etc.  Tag your friends!

IMPORTANT NOTE: There's no obligation to take part in any particular activity—just
do whatever you find fun.  I'll still love you no matter what.  :)

What’s in it for you?
  • All Street Team members will get a special, exclusive, autographed Street
    Team bookplate for their copy of SOTV - Shadow of the Vampire.  
 (View Contact page for details.)
    *NOTE - these bookplates are different from  the gargoyle ones shown on
    Meagan's contact page.  

What else will you get?
  • The first wave of SOTV Team Members will have their names listed in the
    acknowledgment section of Meagan's next release in this series!  Hurry up -
    you don't want to miss out on this!  

  • SOTV Team Members will also have exclusive contest, story excerpts, deleted
    scenes and prizes not available on my newsletter group or website contests.

  • *There will also be ARC (advanced reader copies) giveaways coming VERY
    soon, as well as T-Shirts or other special items.

If you'd like to join this exclusive club, just sign up in the box at the top of the
page to join the SOTV Yahoo Group.

If you have posts, blogs, pictures, video, whatever from your own street team missions,
please send links to
meagan@meaganhatfield.com  so she can show them off...
and maybe find a special way to thank you.

I think that's it for this transmission.  

Thanks to all of you!  See ya on the "street."  :)  


Grab a banner, and proudly display your allegiance to the team on your website, blog,
myspace, twitter, facebook - anywhere!  Simply right-click on the images and save them to
your hard drive.  (More buttons and banners are on the way!)  
If anyone is graphically talented and feels inclined to make a button or two, I would love to
see and possibly use them.  :)
If you'd like bookmarks to hand out, or if
you'd like any of your own, homemade
awesome goodies signed to aid in your
Street Team quest, send them along with a
SASE for return to:

Meagan Hatfield
PO Box 233
Mount Horeb, WI. 53572
Click to join SOTVStreetTeam

Click to join SOTVStreetTeam

*Tools for SOTV Team Member's coming soon!

  • Printable fliers, book covers & stencils.

  • Show your allegiance with Temporary Tattoo's:  

Lunel's for member's of the Vampire Horde.  

Dragon Crests for member's of the Dragon Flock

  • And more!
Once you've discovered your side,
Grab a banner below and show off
your allegiance
Cast you favorite actors as characters

Storycasting.com lets you visualize the
dream cast for your favorite books!
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